Artists are Birding

This is a game.

I’ve been interested in birding for a while now. It is a great pleasure to get to know and watch new birds, but I also want to preserve the birds I observe by visualizing them.
Each week, I will create an AI-powered image and an accompanying short story for a bird species I observe. These images will be crafted as though a painter were inspired by the bird and depicted it in their unique style. The stories accompanying these images will revolve around the lives and perspectives of these painters.


  1. I will introduce a new bird every week.
  2. Each bird featured will be one that I’ve personally observed and documented on my eBird page. Visit my eBird page .
  3. I will not emulate the styles of living and active painters.
  4. I will share through Instagram and Twitter.

Tools: Midjourney, Adobe Photoshop, ChatGPT, Google, eBird

Our adventure officially commenced in November 2023, with a starting collection of 44 lifer bird species registered on eBird.